Main » 2014 » July » 20 » Data Communication
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Data Communication


  • This chapter provides an introduction to Computer networks and covers fundamental topics like data, information to the definition of communication and computer networks.
  • The main objective of data communication and networking is to enable seamless exchange of data between any two points in the world.
  • This exchange of data takes place over a computer network. 


  1. Data refers to the raw facts that are collected while information refers to processed data that enables us to take decisions.
  2. Ex. When result of a particular test is declared it contains data of all students, when you find the marks you have scored you have the information that lets you know whether you have passed or failed.
  3. The word data refers to any information which is presented in a form that is agreed and accepted upon by is creators and users.


  1. Data Communication is a process of exchanging data or information
  2. In case of computer networks this exchange is done between two devices over a transmission medium.
  3. This process involves a communication system which is made up of hardware and software. The hardware part involves the sender and receiver devices and the intermediate devices through which the data passes. The software part involves certain rules which specify what is to be communicated, how it is to be communicated and when. It is also called as a Protocol.
  4. The following sections describes the fundamental characteristics that are important for the effective working of data communication process and is followed by the components that make up a data communications system.:
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